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Prensa · Press
by Casual Hoteles
At Casual Hoteles, we don't just strive to offer unique experiences to our guests, but also to leave a positive impact on the world around us. That's why we are thrilled to present our own Casual Hoteles Forest in Perales de la Alfama, Teruel, an initiative that reflects our commitment to sustainability and environmental regeneration.

Site History
The Casual Hoteles Forest is located in Perales de la Alfambra, a region that once witnessed massive deforestation 500 years ago for the construction of the Spanish Armada. The native juniper forest was sacrificed for its valuable use in the shipbuilding industry, leaving behind a steppe that never fully recovered. The harsh environmental conditions of Teruel have contributed to it being one of the most depressed provinces in Spain.

We decided to actively intervene in this situation, not only to restore the lost forest, but also to revitalize the local economy. Our project employs local farmers and promotes the creation of rural employment. In addition, we have devised a unique symbiosis by housing an organic chicken farm within the forest, where they not only find shelter, but also contribute to the organic cycle of the soil.

Contribution to Reforestation
At Casual Hoteles, we believe in shared responsibility. That's why we launched the "sustainable room" initiative, where we invite our guests to be an active part of environmental regeneration. Customers can choose to forgo daily cleaning of their rooms, which allows us to allocate resources to the reforestation of our forest.

Participation is simple: our guests can indicate their preference through tree-shaped hangers that are placed on the outside knob of their room. Once placed, the guest will receive a code that they must activate to confirm their contribution to the growth of the Casual Hoteles Forest.

Tangible Benefits
This initiative is not just about planting trees, but about creating a significant impact on multiple levels. By absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, reducing the production of cleaning waste and raising awareness among our guests about the importance of sustainability, we are building a more balanced and healthy ecosystem for future generations. In addition, by boosting the rural economy, we are strengthening community ties and promoting long-term sustainable development.

The Future of the Casual Hoteles Forest
Since the launch of this initiative, we have successfully planted 150 trees in our forest. But this is just the beginning. With the help and participation of our guests, we are determined to expand and strengthen our forest, creating a legacy of sustainability and environmental regeneration that will last far beyond our borders.

Join us on this exciting adventure towards a greener and more sustainable future. Your contribution matters more than you think. Together, we can make a real and lasting difference in the world we share. We are waiting for you at the Casual Hoteles Forest!

Don't miss the benefits of our forest in real time through this link.

This is where our forest is located:


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